Sunday, June 20, 2010

White Satsuki Azalea

June 2010

This is a white satsuki azalea from Rosade's. The tree was admittedly a bit neglected and really needed some close attention. I immediately removed the grown-in wiring and set the azalea aside in the garden for a couple weeks to determine it's needs. During this time, I did some basic maintenance pruning and thinned out 1 or 2 areas of unrestrained growth.

Well it sort of sat there soaking up water fertilizer and sunshine, and when it began to show tiny buds on the base of the trunk I felt I was ok for some action. Inspiration hit and I whipped out a neat pot with an interesting glaze that I think will really set off the white flowers next year.

So here's the re-pot, new wire and a bit of further trim.

Sept 2010

Just three months later and the tree is beginning to take form. It still hasn't recovered full vigor despite frequent feeding. A bit lower pH seems to have perked it up a bit recently, so I'm feeling better about that. With some careful wiring, and precision pruning with a pair of cuticle scissors (!) this azalea's major branch structure is now in place.

I have to acknowledge a bit of inspiration from John Naka's sketch below. Apparently, the sketch was printed on folding auto windshield sunscreens to raise money for the National Bonsai Foundation.

1 comment:

  1. ...and then, with becoming swiftness, the branch was simply removed, and I was pleased.
