I've volunteered to give a talk on moss at the BSSJ September meeting. I'm not sure how it happened but I'm actually enthusiastic about it. On the one hand I will have to learn everything I can about moss between now and then, and on the other I'll have to know it well enough to explain it to others without sounding like a complete idiot.
So, the first thing I did was head on over to Moss Acres and buy a sampler pack of 4 different species of moss. I have a perfect place to propagate and grow this stuff, nice and shady and wet under my bonsai benches! A great (but expensive) alternative to mulch!
Also, I mentioned the upcoming talk to a friend of mine who led me directly to her mom's backyard where lots of really nice moss grows. I gathered up a few square feet of about 3 different species. One of them looks excellent for bonsai and so I spent some time playing with it this morning. The result is the picture above.
I have three of these plastic trays that look like huge petri dishes. I got them from Wal*Mart just for cultivating moss, drilled holes in the bottom for drainage and so we'll see how it goes.
I haven't really done much with moss except collect it and stick it in my pots...so I have a couple months here to become an expert. Wish me luck!
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