Saturday, October 16, 2010

light, hope & tiny little trees...

I am pleased to announce some developments that give me great hope for real growth and attainment in the practice of bonsai.

First, my "Growing Moss for Bonsai" presentation at the October meeting of the Bonsai Society of South Jersey was readily enjoyed by all. I received positive feedback from the other members publicly and privately. Consider this; I lectured to bonsai enthusiasts (some twice my age) for a solid hour about a subject that would put most people to sleep in mere minutes...

Thanks Fairegarden for this pic, one of many I used in my presentation for inspiration!

The group was enthusiastic, asked poignant questions and seemed really engaged. After the presentation, I then moved on to a demonstration of how to actually cultivate / grow / store collected moss in shallow dishes.

Second, I will begin volunteering with Ski Dombrowski this coming week. It's fall maintenance and re-potting time, and I offered my help to Ski with the hopes of watching the master at work and learning everything I can. Looks like we'll be repotting, un-wiring and wiring dozens of crab apples and quince...I can't wait. Ski also invited me to join him as his guest at the October meeting of the Brandywine Bonsai Society. Apparently, Ron Lang (Int'l bonsai potter extraordinaire) will be in attendance and Ski wanted to make the introduction.

AND, if that weren't enough, I've gotten the green light on developing the community website for the Bonsai Society of South Jersey. So, I bought on behalf of the club and have begun developing the site with basic capabilities. It's a labor of love...

and errr, the deck is getting there...plans have expanded to include lighting, extended patio cover and a 50 gallon rain hog rainwater storage system. Come spring I'll have a killer bonsai garden, folks. Just you wait and see...

There you have it, things are picking up and I feel I am approaching my proper sphere in bonsai.

The real learning can begin...

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