Friday, August 13, 2010

Dombrovski's Azalea

Just picked up this incredible azalea from "Ski" Dombrovski. It was my first time meeting him and he made quite an impression! The guy knows his bonsai, period. I don't like the pot, and would rather have something a bit more rustic considering the blood-red flowers...but I'll only re-pot after I see it bloom next year and know for sure. Until then I'm just going to enjoy it as is.

Big Box Azalea

Here's a cheap azalea I got from a big box store while it was absolutely covered in bright purple flowers. I subsequently cut it back to new buds 3 times over the course of the summer, and reduced it to about 1/5 it's original size. There's time to spare to harden off the new growth before winter. It's now ready to grow out in the shape I choose and real root work can begin next year.